Hero’s Heart: how we got here…

This past half year, I (Graham) have been leading a teaching series for our church youth group entitled “The Family of Jesus”. 

We realized that there is so much wealth and wonder and tragedy and truth in the character narratives in the historical accounts woven through the Old Testament. But it was either largely unfamiliar to our kids or had only been engaged with on a cursory, impersonal level.

While putting these talks together, a practice I used to meditate on the passages was to pen some verses reflecting on the characters. These were mostly personal ruminations, a sort of effort to step into their shoes. But then they started to collect, and we felt a sort of rhythm to the lines.

What started as little notes jotted in pamphlets turned into iPhone demos turned into rough recordings turned into a whole album of songs.

We had been in the works of polishing off the release and promotion of our scripture song EP, And Spiritual Songs. Another album was not on our radar. Abby encouraged me to have fun and just experiment with putting down the song ideas in Logic. 

Combine this with a writing adventure Abby has set out on. We are both bookworms, and Abby had begun diving into the Iliad. We realized that a lot of our songs hung together to tell a grand narrative. More than an album, we felt we had a sort of Bible-character/epic-quest folk-symphony. 

Right as this was happening, our friend Jeremy S.H. Griffith–who produced our first EP, Wild Edge–reached out. He asked what we had been up to and I sent him a few rough demos. This was an unexpected open door for us!

Working with Jeremy for Wild Edge was an incredible experience and really helped to vault us to where we are now with music, but working with him was going to be too far beyond our budget to consider a full-length album.

But long story short, he offered to co-produce for us at a fraction of his normal rate. In response he asked and offered to co-produce this album. He said he just wanted to help bring our vision to life, especially with our little girl who arrived in October. 

All of a sudden, what began as some fun ideas now was a compelling family of songs backed by the professional power to make this a true work. 

That brings us to where we are now: Hero’s Heart. A reflection on our journe

about 15 Biblical characters and how their individual stories weave together to reveal the heart of the Hero of Everything: Jesus. 

We are targeting a ~15 song album. We want to put out a robust body of work that tells a full story arc. Our intent is to do the majority of the recording/producing in our home studio outside Philadelphia, and then travel down to Nashville to finish the album with Jeremy.

Our dream is for God to be exalted in this work—we have so enjoyed the goodness of His Word while making it. It has been super sanctifying. This makes us all the more hopeful for listeners to be clearly pointed to Christ through the presentation of this art.

We are honored to ask you to consider partnering in this vision!

Instagram follower

I'm listening to this song right now 😭 It was the first one I saw and I felt like I needed to hear it first. The second I came across one of your videos, the Holy Spirit showed me that this band is for me. This song is so full of truth, the words and the melody are just what I needed and it has been such a comfort. 😭♥️

Concert Attendee

Your music gets down deep. Wish i could give it to my middle school self way back when. Thanks for turning vulnerability into music that reaches out to touch the vulnerability of others.


“Your music gave my chills! What a night!”

Fellow artist

Thank you for using the talent he has given you to be a blessing to others and draw praise back to him! You are an encouragement to me to do the same with what God has given me.”

Instagram follower

“Hey thanks for sending this message. Because y'all sent me this message, I did check out your music. It has slowly steeped into my daily listening and now when very hard things happen with my family, your song “Wild Edge” is what comes to my mind and it reminds me to hold on to the truth of who God is. Thank you for that.”

Concert Attendee

Cried the whole time y’all sang. Thank you for that.”

the story arc

one… in the desert:


two…departure to the sea:


three… The Isle of Peace:


three… The Return:

why we are doing this

one… God’s glory: To make God’s goodness and glory known through art. As created beings we are making this music to point to how God—wildly—reveals Himself to us, relates to us, reconciles us to Himself, and repurposes us in Christ to make His glory known.


two… Vehicle for connection: music gives you unique access to people and places — concerts get our walls down and open us to consider things we usually wouldn’t. Part of being able to have gospel centered music ministry is creating new art to go and share.


three… Part of the witness: we have found that us being a band has been a lively part of our youth ministry. It has been a dimension of sanctification and struggle that we’ve been able to share with our teens. It also has been a space we can invite other kids in with their musical gifts and songwriting.



We write songs that are first and foremost lyrically driven.

As lovers of words and story and poetry, our desire is that the lines written connect deeply with your imagination, heart and hopes. 

Since this project is very thematically driven, we want you to have early access to peruse the working lyrics. 

  • Seems like I have always looked over my shoulder

    Stuttering your promises as you take my hand … to the promised land

    I run away … then run ahead … uneasy … of staying on my knees

    I live caught up in between

    Oh I struck the rock trying to make them drink

    And I broke your stone - let the pressure push me to the brink

    Recreate in me the heart you crafted at the start

    My shoes are off again - sometimes it feels like I only ever…begin

    Sometimes I hear the past echo around the corner

    I doubt the man you told that I’d be … by Your touch

    Did I not stand at the burning bush and hear Your voice saying my name?

    Am I quick to forget, am I quick to let go of the words that you say

    the places you took my frame

    Oh I struck the rock trying to make them drink

    And I broke your stone - let the pressure push me to the brink

    Recreate in me the heart you crafted at the start

    My shoes are off again - sometimes it feels like I only ever…

    Begin again, can I begin again? 

    I gotta walk back up the mountain

    Oh I struck the rock trying to make them drink

    And I broke your stone - let the pressure push me to the brink

    Recreate in me the heart you crafted at the start

    My shoes are off again - sometimes it feels like I only ever…

  • Tangled in a torpor, I’m wandering the wastes

    Missed arriving early, I’m already running late

    Settle for the margin, lost hunger for a cure

    Left color on the counter, as I rushed out of the door

    Cobbling a kingdom, demons climb the walls

    So I eat the scroll at random, and I linger at the mall

    But empty out my homeland, see me weeping by a stream

    As I swear to draw the water

    Come surprise me

    Gravity sits heavy, it rumbles down my throat

    Come roll away the boulder, come give a colored coat

    This might be a season, or maybe my home state

    I am not impressive, but Jesus help me stay

    Sometimes I don’t love you, I don’t want to love you, but God

    I want to want to love you, I want to want to live

    Oh I’m languid on the carpet, come cave the rooftop floor

    Get me off the couch to answer the door, come surprise me

    Underneath the dessert, flowers wait to bloom

    Maybe all this waiting, isn’t actually a tomb

    Maybe all this waiting, is actually from you

  • If we seek you in the quiet

    We will proclaim you on the roof

    Tend our life into a garden

    Where my friends can dine with You

    And if we hold our lives more loosely

    A willing seed into Your ground

    Then we will see new generations

    And whole nations be found

    Let my need to be seen

    Fall at your feet

    Empty out my distracted heart

    You are everything

    You are the feast –

    If I lay aside my comfort

    And open up my treasure store

    And I don’t hide inside my schedule

    Or smile blithely at the poor

    Then every blessing You have given

    Is free to run its holy course

    And I can follow close to Jesus

    And see the Kingdom of the Lord


    If it’s not You, then it’s not worth it

    You see the unseen

    All around me

    Empty out my distracted heart

    You are everything

    You are the feast –

    You are the peace

the plan

————————————————————————album release

Step 0: Prepare the Ground

Lord willing, we’ll begin by running a light promotion plan through Spotify for our existing songs to re-engage our listenership. 

Step 1: Break the Rules

In a world of increasingly short attention spans, we want to put out a work that is long-form, epic, and encompassing. There is a lot of pressure on artists from the big streaming platforms to put out work in high frequency, small-volume formats – we think this just feeds our culture’s consumer attitude–but our favorite artists are those who take the time to craft a full album, let it marinate, and put it out.

So we are hoping to do something’s little abnormal.

We view this project less of an album (individual songs compiled together) and more of a symphony: one continuous work telling a complete story arc.

Lord willing, our first release for this project will be to put out the entire album as a single track. That means if you clicked on it on Spotify or YouTube it would be put out in its entirety.

Our hope with this is that, for those valiant few who sit down and listen through the album, they will get to engage the work in its entirety: a unified storyline. 

Especially in independent (“indie”) music circles, strange moves like this sometimes result in the sort of deep-engagement listenership that we want to develop.

Step 2: Ground Swell

Somewhere between 1-3 months following this abnormal initial release we hope to follow the current best-practice strategy for releasing new music.

We hope to release four singles from the album, each spaced one month apart. If the Lord sees fit, this will generate momentum and queue the algorithm—Spotify particularly favors releases that are one month apart as an active account that it pushes new listeners to.

Step 3: Traditional Release

One month following the final single release we hope to release the full album on all streaming platforms. The main form of connection we will pursue is shows…

————————————————————————show strategy

We have found that our music does best in intimate gatherings where we can share the stories behind the songs and connect personally with the audience. Especially so with this album, which is a symphonic storyline.

Thus, we are in the works with praying through/dreaming about/planning out small runs of intimate house/church shows. These will be weekends/long weekends where we do runs of 2-4 shows. 

These will be ticketed shows, where the ticket will include a CD of this project. Our desire is for these songs to stick with people beyond the night, so the hope is that the concert is a launch pad for them to sit in the narrative of scripture.

Our aim is to find a listener or fellow artist that we can land with, share a show, and connect the testimony of the art with the folks who come out.

This is also partly to meet new, personally engaged listeners. We view the music as a springboard for personal ministry, so we want to prioritize shows where we can personally interact with folks after playing.

The format of the show is what excites us - we want to use this album to seek and save the lost and comfort God’s people.

The tour will be entitled, “What makes a hero?” In today’s disillusioned environment, we want to narratively arc these songs to point attendees to Jesus.

We have also been powerfully convicted recently of the need for this art to follow the commands of Jesus. To that end, we want our shows to sit under the call to “go and make disciples of all the nations.” Each show will have a clear call towards 1) the Gospel and 2) an encouragement to share the Gospel.

We also will be partnering with a missions organization for the shows. The hope is that these shows can 1) raise awareness for those who have not yet heard the Gospel 2) give folks a chance to give towards that (in the form of an offering taken 3) submit our music to the service of the needy (50% of show/merch proceeds will go to this organization).

the target

Guest instrumentalists (bringing in percussionists and string instrumentalists to do the songs justice)


Co-producing // Mixing // Mastering (all of the things that make the music sound polished and professional)


fulfillment and administrative costs


Tier 1 Target Total: $10,000

Live videos – we would like to commission artists to put this album story to a visual


Professional promotion & marketing (ensuring the music we make together gets out well)


Stretch goal total: $15,000

Tier 1

Any $

  • Early access to finished album

  • Bonus track demos

  • Digital artistic lyric booklet

  • Tutorial videos

bring it to life

Tier 2


  • All prior rewards

  • CD Pack

  • Physical lyric booklet

  • Acoustic album

  • Album art sticker pack

Tier 3


  • All prior rewards

  • Album art crew neck

  • House show of the album (contact for details)

  • this is a new workflow for us. our And Spiritual Songs project gave us the chance to iron our producing music in our home, but we haven't co-produced anything before, nor have we had guest instrumentalists.

    this is also the largest project we've pursued yet. bringing all of the items together is pretty massive, but we've been encouraged seeing what we believe to be the Holy Spirit guiding the process.

  • this is a great question! we have the instrumentals largely complete and are making progress on inputting vocals. working with a professional of Jeremy's caliber takes off a lot of pressure, since he'll be able to make things really shine. thus, the pacing item is us finishing vocals.

    we are seeking to be reasonable with our new baby coming -- thus we don't anticipate handing our items off to Jeremy before the new year. we hope to travel down to pow-wow with him early spring. his end of the project should take about a month, so we could see the album reaching completion sometime in the spring, Lord willing.

  • our hope is to give a more personal, organic chance to bring this album to life. we love the kickstarter platform, but have felt that it leans into a time-sensitive pressure that--personally--we wanted to not have. if the Lord wills the album to come together, we trust it will!

  • this has been a true journey, especially for our hearts.

    music is so intertwined in our marriage, so we always covet prayers for God to protect us, draw us together, and bear fruit in and through us.

    but the big thing has been our wrestling with what GOD wants with wind and sail. Not what we want. i (graham) have felt really convicted about a heart that wants people to pay attention to me rather than point people to Jesus.

    to that end, the prayer would be that God sanctifies us. we'd rather let go of something precious to us (our plans, our songs, etc) rather than settle for less of His fullness in our lives.

    walking the line between being sinners needing to be brought under the word and trusting God's grace to do something beautiful through us is seriously the core prayer.

    also, we'd pray for wisdom and efficacy with seeking to really let wind and sail be a beautiful pathway for disciple-making and service. this life is short. Christ's call is clear. we want whatever we do to be seeking the lost, helping the poor, and encouraging/sending the saved.

thank you

thank you

We so appreciate you diving into the story of Hero’s Heart. Thank you for considering giving to make this music a reality.

We view this music as personal, so we wanted to reach out to you personally to request your partnership.

We also view this music as missional, so we wanted to cast the vision and invite you in so we can do this together.

Who knows? Maybe the Lord will do something beautiful through Hero’s Heart!


Feel free to drop us a note below if you have any questions or thoughts about the project!